Sunday, January 25, 2009

Good ideas from Google and Webmaster Tools

The following post from Google is an example of some quick tips for to check how to make your website work better in google and other search engines.

There is some great tips in there in particular the tip to check how your website looks in other browsers is important. You can check what browser your visitors are using in your website statistics.

Here are some other thoughts if you are using google analytics then you can create a segment view for each browser type. This is very helpful as it can alert you to potential problems with browsers.

One simple things you could do is to sign up and review your site in the key web search engines - these provide tools for problem urls and give you clues to fix up problems and put in appropriate redirects.
The above three are the key search engines - you may want to also identify other specifically targeted sites of interest to your business.

This is something that a good SEO specialist will do but once set up is something you should be able to manage simply and easily - contact us for more help.

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